Holyghost school Explained: Uncovering the Mysteries of Personal intimacy with God
- April 30, 2023
- Posted by: holyghostschool
- Category: Uncategorized
Holy Ghost School is a new movement with God. It is an end-time mission program. Holy Ghost School is not a physical School, it’s a process of developing personal intimacy with God and understanding his will for your life simply by spending time daily with God. In this school, The spirit of God would be your teacher according to Micah 4:1-2
4 But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it.
2 And many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.
Jesus predicted the rise of false prophets in the End-time
And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
Mattew 24:11
This is why God reserved the holyghost school for the end-time where the holy spirit would teach men so that they do not fall for false teachings and doctrines. Many people especially believers are solely dependent on the so-called men of God and prophets which have continued to rob them off from developing deep personal intimacy with God to know and hear him for themselves.
I want to let you know today that God wants to reveal himself to you and help you know him personally. It’s a wonderful experience to relate with God on a personal level. It’s life-changing because God will bring you the knowledge of his will for your life. Without God, it’s impossible to discover your purpose on earth and have a fulfilling life. You’d have a chaotic and delayed life trying to figure things out for yourself. Personal Relationship with God brings about ease in every situation in our lives such as career, marriage, education, ministry, and business by aligning every part of our lives to the will of God. Take a moment and meditate on the following verse Psalm 32:8
I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.
Psalm 32:8
Here God reveals his desire to lead us every step of the way. No longer would you be confused about life as God will reveal the right steps for you to take.
So, how can Holyghost School impact your life?
Are you looking to deepen your personal relationship with God? Do you want to hear from God and experience His presence in your life? Do you want to become a disciple of God and overcome sin and the devil? Do you want to discover your purpose and the will of God for your life? If so, Holyghost School is for you!
How to get started in the holyghost School
Hearing from God and being led by the Holy Spirit is more than a technique or guidance on applying certain principles, The simple key to being taught and led by the Holy Spirit is a relationship with Jesus Christ. It’s about giving God your heart and time and obeying his word. Think about it, How would God give you instructions or speak to you when you are not living in obedience? When you are living in sin and disobeying all the instructions of his word?
Start by confessing your sin to God and making a decision to live in obedience to his word, then fix a time daily to fellowship with God for at least 30 minutes to 1 hour. By taking these simple steps, you are creating a platform for the holy spirit to feel welcomed into your space and he will begin to speak to you in so many ways.
Now, if you are getting started for the first time, you might be wondering how to hear from God and be led by him. The spirit of God speaks to us in so many ways some of which are often silent and inspired in our hearts, LIke when we study the bible. other time he speaks to us audibly to our spirit and through revelations and visions as we begin to deepen our relationship with him.
As you deepen your relationship with God over time you’d begin to recognize his voice whether they are silent or audible in your spirit. Remember, the key is an intimate relationship. Think about it for example, When we are in relationships with people over a period of time, we tend to start understanding some informal ways they can communicate with us such as their body language and facial expression. We can even make meaning out of their silence. That’s exactly how it is with God, When we develop an intimate relationship with him, We can start recognizing his voice and understand even his silence.
I encourage you to start this journey of intimacy today and experience a transformational life of walking with God.
About our platform
Holyghost School’s platform provides a welcoming environment for individuals to learn and grow in their faith. The platform offers a range of programs that cater to the needs of different individuals, whether you are a beginner in your faith or a seasoned believer.
Through its courses and resources, Holyghost School teaches individuals how to develop spiritual disciplines that help them grow in their faith. These disciplines include prayer, Bible study, meditation, and fellowship. By learning and implementing these practices, individuals can deepen their relationship with God and experience His presence in their lives.
Finally, Holyghost School offers a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about their faith. Through its online forums and communities, individuals can connect with others, share their experiences, and support one another in their spiritual journeys.
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